Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter at Grietje's Garden

My vines are asleep, resting for the awakening of spring.It won't be long before I begin the pruning. This takes a great deal of time and care.

Thought I would share about where the name Grietje's Garden came. My middle name is Grietje. It was my great grandmother's name who lived in Broek in Waterland then Zaandam, Holland before coming to America in 1912 with my great grandfather and their family, including my grandfather on my father's side. It has always been very special to me to share her name. My greatgrandfather and his sons settled in eastern North Carolina. They ran a dairy for awhile then began to grow flowers. My father loves to garden, as well. He grows blueberries, blackberries and muscadine grapes, and various vegetables. Growing things is just in my blood. When I was thinking of a name for the vineyard, it did not take me long to realize that using Grietje in the name would be a way to honor my heritage and my great grandmother whom I never got to meet.  


  1. Love this photo!
    Love the blog too....

  2. Family names are truly precious. Your vineyard is always beautiful!
