Sunday, January 30, 2011

Down the Lane

Well, here we are at Grietje's Garden of Rocky Ridge Farm. This drive, this lane, has taken me "there" and back more times than I can count. To and from work, errands, weddings, funerals, births, to  the hospital,  birthday celebrations, to worship, vacations, to chase the cows, walk the sheep, check the mail, to mow the grass, or on an adventure. We all have our drives, our lanes. A couple of years ago, there was no white fencing or wire fencing for the cows along this lane. There were no cherry trees or grapevines.  But the road still heads in the same direction, is located in the same place, is still red clay and gravel. My life is my road that God has given me to travel. Yes, along the way things happen, things change, but my path, my lane, my road to Him is always there.

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are beautiful! You will be in my thoughts tomorrow with your interview for your grant-you deserve it if anyone does.....
    You are the hardest working grape cultivator I know!!!
    Keep us ALL posted!
